Learn More About Botox For Chronic Migraine

04 August 2014

Healthy Endeavors

(Photo credit: pkingDesign)
It's been just over a month since my last post and quite a lot has happened.  In one of my migraine awareness month posts, I talked about the back pain I was experiencing.  At that time I didn't know much about what the causes were.  All I knew was that I had disc protrusion at the L4-L5 level along with degenerative facet joint disease causing moderately severe spinal stenosis at those levels.  Initially, I was put on a course of steroids for the inflammation and had a prescription for Norco for the pain.  I was referred by my PCP to see a specialist in the spine center at Kaiser Permanente.  He scheduled me to have an epidural steroid injection.  Almost immediately, I felt uneasy about the procedure.  The whole reason why I had all my children naturally was because I feared getting an epidural.  That certainly hasn't changed in sixteen years.  I voiced my concerns on the pain support group I own on Facebook and one of my co-owners posted an article about the dangers of epidural injections for back pain.  I had a similar procedure done about three years ago in the cervical spine to help decrease the amount of migraines I was having.  It didn't work, it made the pain worse and gave me the worst stiff neck of my life for two days.  Since that experience was terrible, I sort of expected the same result if I went through with the epidural injection.  

Reading that article was the final nail in the coffin and I cancelled the appointment.  I have chosen to let my naturopath treat my symptoms and undergo physical therapy in lieu of any invasive treatments.  Dawn (my naturopath) has me on a dietary supplement called InflammaForce to help lower the inflammation and support muscle cartilage and joint function.  It's important to really avoid gluten as it's an inflammatory food so eating gluten-free is especially vital.  She also wants me to increase the amount of protein I eat so I went on the hunt for a good plant-based or rice protein powder to supplement my diet.  A few months ago I found a decent protein powder from UniKey that was rice and pea based with no GMO's, sugar, dairy, gluten or soy.  Their Fat Flush Body Protein has 20 grams of protein per serving which was excellent but it also has stevia in it.  Stevia is a migraine trigger for me.  It's overwhelmingly sweet and tastes like artificial sweeteners to me.  I had to doctor up the smoothies with bananas and frozen fruits to help cut the sweetness.  It was still sweet but drinkable.  If stevia doesn't bother you then this is a good option.  It's expensive but works great in weight loss management.

I didn't want to deal with that issue again so I searched for one without sweeteners.  I found Nutiva Organic Hemp Protein at my local Wegman's.  It was unflavored and had no sweeteners in it.  Perfect!  It's 100% vegan, non-GMO, certified organic, dairy and gluten free.  The store only had the high fiber one, which only has 11 grams of protein per serving.  The regular one has 15 grams.  That's okay because I have two servings a day for a total of 22 grams of protein.  I mix it into my green juice along with my Barlean's Omega Swirl Fish Oil (no fish taste!) and it blends in great and doesn't affect the taste at all.  I actually really like it.  It gives my juice a smoothie quality and the lemon swirl fish oil makes it creamy.

I have committed to helping my body heal as naturally as possible.  What I choose to eat has a lot to do with how successful I am.  I no longer buy things that can derail me, such as potato chips.  Every week I stock up on fruits and vegetables, gluten free crackers, pasta, and wraps, canned chicken breast, tuna fish and eggs.  I have about a cup of green juice in the morning along with a gluten free chewy bar, another cup in the afternoon with some crackers, chicken salad and grapes, then a sensible dinner.  Throughout the day I drink 60-80 ounces of water.  I really love the recipe for my green juice.  I threw together fruits and veggies that I know help aid in detoxification along with either ginger or burdock tea.  Burdock aids in healthy kidney function and helps in water retention.  I tend to retain water so adding the burdock and parsley both help in eliminating excess water.  The juice also happens to be a natural migraine reliever as well.  Below, you'll find the recipe.  Feel free to customize it to your taste.

Jaime's Double Whammy Detox Juice

Jaime M. Sanders
Published 08/04/2014
Jaime's Double Whammy Detox Juice
This is my go-to juice that I threw together. It aids in detoxification and is a natural migraine reliever.


  • 1 bunch organic kale or spinach
  • 1 inch piece of organic ginger, peeled
  • 1 organic lemon, peeled
  • 1 organic granny smith apple, peeled and cored
  • 2 kiwi fruits (organic if you can find), peeled
  • 1/2 bunch organic cilantro or parsley
  • 1 pineapple (organic if you can find), peeled and cored
  • 1/2 organic cucumber, peeled
  • about 2 cups brewed herbal tea of your choice


  • Add all ingredients in your blender (I use a HealthMaster) or juicer. If blending, strain juice over a sieve and retain the pulp to use in marinades or to add into any bread or muffin recipe to give it a nutritional kick. Store in an airtight container such as mason jars to keep juice fresh.
  • For added protein, blend in your favorite protein powder.
  • For omega 3's, 6's and 9's, stir in 1-2 tbsp of fish oil or 1 tbsp of chia seeds.
Yield: 6-8 1 cup servings
Prep Time: 00 hrs. 20 mins.
Cook time: 00 hrs. 00 mins.
Total time: 20 mins.


  1. very man woman or child will be faced with the issue of migraine. While much has been written on its influence on contemporary living, several of today most brilliant minds seem incapable of recognizing its increasing relevance to understanding future generations. Since it was first compared to antidisestablishmentarianism much has been said concerning migraine by socialists, who form the last great hope for our civilization. Here begins my in depth analysis of the glorious subject of migraine.

  2. very man woman or child will be faced with the issue of migraine. While much has been written on its influence on contemporary living, several of today most brilliant minds seem incapable of recognizing its increasing relevance to understanding future generations. Since it was first compared to antidisestablishmentarianism much has been said concerning migraine by socialists, who form the last great hope for our civilization. Here begins my in depth analysis of the glorious subject of migraine.


Thank you for reading! Comments are welcomed and encouraged. If you have any questions, you can submit them on the Contact Me page.

Stay Well!

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