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11 June 2014

Migraine & Headache Awareness Month #11 #MHAMBC - Dreams in a Migraine World

Langston Hughes Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.
Langston Hughes Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly
(Photo credit: symphony of love)

Our challenge prompt today is:
Think about this quote from Langston Hughes, and write about how it might apply to your life with Headaches and / or Migraines...
"Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly."

Dreams in a Migraine world translates into hopes for less pain, better and more effective treatments, and an end to the stigma that plagues it.  Over the past eleven days of this blog challenge, I have written extensively about dreams, hopes and wishes.  Every day that I wake up is another day that I hope Migraine doesn't ruin.  Every day is a wish for no pain or to be manageable at the least.  Sometimes those wishes aren't fulfilled, but that never keeps me from hoping for better.  No matter how bad things may be at times, I never let those dreams, wishes and aspirations die.  They keep me going and give me something hopeful to look forward to.  Without them I would be lifeless.  In a world when almost any and everything can bring on a Migraine, you have to find and hold on to whatever brings you hope for something better.  My dreams give me the courage to seek out new treatments.  They have allowed me to walk on a new path to healing.  It's scary not doing things the way I'm used to.  It's hard changing longtime lifestyle habits even if it means it will help decrease pain and symptoms.  I'm used to what I'm used to, but my dreams show me a life where it can be easier if I made healthier choices.

Deciding to limit my use of prescription medications and eliminating gluten, sugar, soy, and dairy from my diet has had it's challenges.  It is my wish for something better that keeps me going.  I don't want to go back to being the person that was on six to eight different medications a day and in pain daily.  My pain levels were through the roof all the time and nothing was working to make it better.  Now, thanks to my awesome naturopath and determination, my fibromyalgia symptoms are all but gone.  No more low-grade fevers, excessive sweating, dizzy spells, or constant flare ups.  Only in the winter or during long road trips does it flare up badly.  I no longer have chronic daily headache and the number of Migraines a month have gone down from 15-20 to about 10 (8 in a good month).  That has all been possible because I didn't let go of my dreams.  Even though I had just gone through one of the most terrifying and life-altering experiences in my life, those dreams were never shattered.  I would be a shell of a person if I let them wither away and lost all hope in them.  I wouldn't have made such wonderful progress if I didn't believe in something better for myself.  So please, hold on fast to your dreams.  Whatever is waiting for you down the road may be your biggest blessing yet.

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