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05 June 2014

Migraine & Headache Awareness Month #5 - Who Is That Girl in the Mirror? #MHAMBC

Our challenge prompt today is: 
     Select the fairy tale or character that best describes you, and tell us why.

I really don't associate any fairy tale or character with myself, so I chose to use one of the alternate prompts,which is sort of in the same wheelhouse as today's prompt.  In the movie Mulan, the main character is being prepared to meet the matchmaker to be assigned a suitable husband.  She is dressed and her face made up.  Mulan has written cheat notes on her arm so that she can recite her wifely duties without fail.  However, when she arrives at the matchmaker, everything goes wrong.  The matchmaker is suspicious of her near perfect recital of wifely duties.  He grabs Mulan by the arm, leading her into another room to pour tea.  The notes she has written on her arm are accidentally smeared.  The matchmaker is angry and tells Mulan that she may look like a bride but she will bring her family dishonor.  Feeling defeated, Mulan returns home and contemplates who she really is and feels as though she will never be the daughter that her family wanted.

At this point in the movie, Mulan sings "Reflection".  Watch below.

This particular song really sums up how I feel when I look at my reflection in the mirror.  Almost daily I question the authenticity and purpose of the person looking back at me.

Who is that girl I see 

Staring straight 

Back at me? 

Why is my reflection someone 
I don't know? 
Mulan Reflection 

Somehow I cannot hide 

Who I am 
Though I've tried 
When will my reflection show 
  Who I am inside? 
The girl that I see is one who is broken and unsure.  She is unhappy with the path her life has taken and is confused as to why she was chosen to live a life of pain.  This girl I see is weathered and tired.  She feels weak and incapable of being anything more than a housewife with a lifelong neurological disease.  But that's not who I really am inside.  I have always had the desire to be a successful and independent woman.  There is untapped confidence, talent, and exceptional potential deep inside.  Inside, I am a writer.  One whose words have meaning that can make a difference and have an impact on people's lives.  She is also courageous and brave for using her life as a platform to teach, encourage, and educate others.  She is selfless and full of compassion for the human heart and mind.  She lives a life of importance because she is what holds her family together.  She is the strength and motivation for her husband.  She is the comfort, support, and source of unconditional love for her children.  She is the precious jewel of her parents' eyes.  She is the lifelong friend and champion of her sisters.

When will my reflection show that girl?  She's in there but fear and lack of belief that I could pull that girl out and sustain her keeps her hidden from myself and the world.  Maybe I haven't done enough in my life or had enough positive encouragement to believe that I am all of those things.  Or maybe I have and I am the one who doesn't encourage or believe enough in myself to let this light emerge.  There's a lot of self-reflection and thinking to do to see why I have not allowed this true image of myself to emerge out of the prison I've locked her up in.  I may have stowed her away for safe keeping during a time in my life when I had to be something else for self preservation.  And like old habits, they are hard to kick.  I am trying though.  She's emerged from time to time, but it's never permanent.  I truly want to live my life as this individual as I believe I would be much happier and feel more fulfilled.  I certainly lack in the confidence and self-esteem departments, which are key reasons as to why she hasn't been here to stay.  Until I learn to accept me as I am, flaws and all, and learn to dwell happily in this broken body I may not ever see the reflection I would like to.  So, I will keep trying my hand at being self-assured and confident in my choices.  In order to get to that girl I so desperately seek to see in my reflection, I must allow myself to be myself and stand firmly in my own skin.  Only then will my true reflection reveal itself.
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1 comment :

  1. Always remember that every one has his own mission and that is God's gift. So the best thing you can do now - Relax deeply, Dream big and Believe with all your heart...I liked what you said on the last four sentences of this article. Carry on!


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