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14 June 2014

#MHAMBC Day 14 - Migraine Smash!

Hulk (comics)
Hulk (comics) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Our challenge prompt today is:
Describe your Headache or Migraine monster – what does it look like in your imagination or your dreams?

My Migraine monster has to be a combination of the Incredible Hulk and The Torturer.  Ever since I was a little girl with Migraines, the Hulk has been my monster representation of pain.  Migraines are like having a monster in your head who decides to smash everything up in your brain whenever he gets angry.  When they get going, Migraines are mean, angry, and destructive.  It literally feels as though something or someone is banging pieces of heavy steel against your skull while simultaneously stabbing your temples and/or eyes with hot pokers.  Yeah, not very pleasant at all.  The worst part of it is not knowing how long this particular rage of fury will last.  Will it be a few hours, a few days, or a few weeks?  There's no way of knowing when Migraines get angry.

Torsten the Torturer 3
Torsten the Torturer 3 (Photo credit: nolnet)
My brain feels like it's in a losing battle with the most physically strong and overpowering monster that ever lived.  And don't cry. Tears seem to make Migraines more angry and they cause more pain when you do.  So, no matter how badly you hurt you're just asking for more trouble if you let those watery drops fall out of your eyes.  Having a Migraine is like being a prisoner of war.  I've been captured by the enemy and it is torturing me for information that I don't have.  The twisted part of it is that Migraines know there's nothing to get out of me but they like to see me writhe in pain regardless.  They are the epitome of evil.  It's like once the Hulk gets tired the Torturer steps in to finish the job.  Migraines are the purest forms of agony that I know.

I could never wish this onto anyone.  Every time I have a Migraine where the pain is undoubtedly a 10 or higher, I am shocked by how much it hurts.  It's so horrific and for me, it's also very sad.  I can vividly remember being 8, 9, 10 years old in the same kind of pain and I cry for her.  No child should ever have to experience any pain, especially this kind.  There's no pretty way to describe the monster that I live with every day.  It isn't polite nor considerate.  Neither is it compassionate.  I live in fear of it because it's sole purpose is to destroy.  Destroy families, relationships, faith, trust, bonds, self esteem, and positivity.  Oh yes, Migraines are dirty, nasty little fighters.  You tell me how well you could survive with that living in your brain

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