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28 June 2014

#MHAMBC Day 28 - When Dreams Take a Back Seat

Beauty stays in full glamour in  my Dreams. Th...
Beauty stays in full glamour in my Dreams. They are Private and not shared....I frame them in Gilt and keep it.....
(Photo credit: -Reji)
Our challenge prompt today is: 

Maruki Marukami said, “I dream. Sometimes I think that’s the only thing to do.” Action is what makes our dreams come true, but there are times we have all been physically unable to act on something that means a great deal to us. Tell us your story.

There have been so many times in my life when I was unable to participate in or act on something due to a Migraine, fibromyalgia flare up, or depression.  One day that still really upsets me happened two summers ago at my husband's family reunion.  We were staying at my mother-in-law's house who was hosting all of the festivities.  There were four days of activities planned and I was very excited to finally have some fun to look forward to.  The first day went off without a hitch and I felt great.  I was really looking forward to the luau that was planned for the next day.  All of the ladies would have skirts and leis, there will be music, laughter and fun to be had, and I was very excited about all of it.  However, by the time I got dressed, did my hair and makeup and ventured downstairs to sit in the family room and charge my stimulator, my head had exploded into a full blown migraine.  

I was at a level 10 in a matter of 15 minutes.  All I could do was sit there and cry, ruining my perfect makeup job.  My husband walked in and saw me crying.  I was so mad that my head wasn't going to allow me to have fun with everyone else.  He took me back upstairs to the bedroom (it was at my MIL's house) and I put my pajamas on and tried to go to sleep, hoping that I could sleep it off and still be able to enjoy some of the fun.  Instead, the DJ arrived and started playing his music.  The loud thumps from the bass catapulted my migraine into the astronomical pain sphere.  I texted my husband and told him I had to go to the ER.  We didn't get back until the luau was over.

If I had no migraine that day I would have been able to dance, limbo, wear my lei, have some roast pig, and enjoyed time with my family.  Being pain-free would have had a much different impact.  I hardly get to do anything classified as fun or that allows me to wear pretty clothes and get all gussied up.  No pain would have given me that opportunity.  Thankfully, I was able to enjoy the next evening's banquet but the previous day had put a damper on my spirit.  It would have been nice not having that migraine come and crash the party.

Family Reunion Banquet
At the banquet the day after the luau.
I am with my son and am feeling much better!

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