Learn More About Botox For Chronic Migraine

30 June 2014

#MHAMBC Day 30 - An Understanding World

Disney - A Whole New World
Disney - A Whole New World
(Photo credit: Express Monorail)
Our challenge prompt today is: 

Watch “A Whole New World” from the movie Aladdin. Now share your design for how the world would understand Migraine and Headache - In a perfect world. How would your life be changed to something entirely new, moving forward from this day on, how can others help your dream be realized?

If the world suddenly changed and Migraine was fully understood and accepted for what it is, a neurological disease, life would be very different for myself and millions of others afflicted with it and other headache disorders.  I wouldn't feel stigmatized or diminished by the lack of knowledge and pure ignorance of Migraine's true nature and disability.  I would feel liberated and accepted rather than feeling isolated and turned away.  If more of the world took the time to better understand and help those with Migraine and headache disorders, we would have more voices to help uplift us and raise awareness.  Funding would probably be more available to help find a cure and better treatments.  There would probably be more visibility on television, radio, and social media about Migraine and headache disorders.  More people would speak about how their lives and families have been affected by these disorders, creating a safer space for everyone to participate in the conversation.  The biggest change would be having a voice which is heard and respected.  Those of us in the Migraine and headache disorder community would have a sense of belonging and status and not feel like an invisible minority.  It is extremely difficult having to seek treatment, understanding and compassion from a society in which Migraine and headache disorders are treated as something insignificant and treatable with an Excedrin and a cup of coffee.  Our entire world would be flipped upside down, in a good way, if this was no longer the case.

1 comment :

  1. hi friends
    thanks to join me food is very neccessary to live and which type of food taken by us 'that main thing
    because healthy food also good for our healthy
    Health Ideas


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