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04 June 2014

Migraine & Headache Awareness Month #4 - "Still I Rise" #MHAMBC

Our challenge prompt today is:
Watch Maya Angelou's recitation of her poem, "Still I Rise," then write about it.

Maya Angelou.  My inspiration to cultivate my skills as a writer.  Her words danced off my tongue and spoke to my soul.  The way she cleverly used cadence and metaphors made me want to try and do the same.  I started out writing poetry.  As a teenager, I found myself to be very melancholy about life.  I struggled with what true happiness felt like and always had a desire to feel and receive unconditional love.  The only way I knew how to express myself was through poetry.  Maya gave me to courage to do that.  I was captivated, moved, and profoundly touched through her honesty, majesty, and gracefulness.  I wanted to move people with my words and open up a new reality for them to explore.  I challenged myself to be brave and bear my soul - fears, weaknesses, desires, and dreams.

When I was sixteen, I saw Dr. Angelou speak at St. John's University in Queens.  I couldn't believe that I was listening to my hero speak in the flesh.  Her voice commands your ear and touches your heart.  You can't help but feel empowered and uplifted after hearing her wisdom.  I remember smiling the entire time and soaking up every word she uttered.  I wanted to have the full experience so that I could reap the benefits of hearing one of the literary greats speak.  That moment I will always cherish and am so grateful that I had that opportunity.  I feel eternally honored and humbled by it.

"Still I Rise" is one of my favorite pieces by Dr. Angelou.  Every time I read it or hear it, I am filled with pride and feel renewed in my strength and purpose.  As a black woman, I feel my parents experience with segregation and racism.  I stand tall on the shoulders of my ancestors and feel a responsibility to make them proud.  I shine with the pride, legacy and strength of my heritage.  I am compelled to make a difference and to make the life I live count.  As a migraineur, I feel redemption and fortitude.  I feel like the Phoenix as I rise from the ashes after every tragedy my illness has brought upon me.  I sing, dance, and walk tall even though my body wants to betray me at any given moment.  At the end of the day, I will not and am not defeated.  Still I rise through the pain, limitations, defeats, and set backs.  In more ways than I expected, this poem has represented multiple aspects of my life and journey.

I will be forever grateful to the magnificent Dr. Maya Angelou for reminding me of my worth and that my light will always shine bright, even in the darkest of days.  Her works will continue to bring light and love to people for all time as she was a timeless woman with infinite wisdom.  May she forever rest in peace.
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